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Our Process

1. Discovery:  This meeting is the first opportunity for clients to express their financial concerns and share the things in life that they value the most.  Likewise we take this time to review our core values (the five pillars of our mission statement) and our process for delivering advice.  It is during this first stage that clients share their goals and objectives.  Once they do, it is our job to articulate how, using our process specifically, we will assist them in meeting their goals. Once it has been established that we can appropriately address the clients’ needs, we will detail the services we will provide succinctly and propose a fee for those services. The client then will evaluate that proposal and the services and engage in the relationship if they choose.

2. Gathering and Vetting Client Data:  At this point in the process we gather client financial statements and personal documents.  We then enter their information into our planning software, vet it internally and then together with the clients.  It is during this step that we develop a better understanding of our clients’ priorities, what has motivated them in the past and how they manage their financial resources.  Clients play an interactive role in this process, not only helping us fine tune the data but also helping us gain a deeper understanding of their financial history and the backstory behind their present situation. 

3. Analyzing Data and Formulating Strategy:  At this point, with the fully vetted data, we begin to work on constructing the plan.  Using the Emoney software, the starting point is to quantify clients’ goals and to determine if the clients’ financial resources will be sufficient to meet those goals.   Once those conclusions have been reached, we use the technology to model various solutions to determine the most effective financial strategies for reaching the clients’ stated objectives.   Our goal is to combine the extraordinary vision our technology provides with our expertise and experience to create solutions that that have been reached using a scientific methodology but yet still are creative and tailored to each individual client.  

4. Implementing the Plan: Although they are useful as informational tools, the potential of financial plans are not fully realized until action is taken.   This stage can sometimes take years to complete and we will be there to assist you every step of the way.   As true independent fiduciaries we will advocate for you as we work on implementing various components of your plan.  Whether we are managing your investments, helping you purchase insurance or assisting you with the implementation of your estate plan, your interests will always come before ours, 100% of the time, without exception.    This also includes working with your various outside advisers to ensure all components of your plan are coordinated and completed with expertise and professionalism. 

5. Monitoring and Updating:  The last stage of your financial plan is by far the longest, as it continues indefinitely.  It involves the ongoing maintenance of both your plan and the strategies we have implemented to help you reach your objectives.  Your goals may shift based on events in your life and certainly the data will and we will be there to help you manage those changes and adjust your plan accordingly.